Artifishy Untelligence

Make EZ Zillions

Investing in our token will definitely make that happen for you. Except it won’t because we’d never say that, because that would constitute financial advice. But really though! Zillions bruh! E-Z! Not really though, Cause we never said that!

Take a deep into the project specifics

Or maybe don’t dive. I guess as far as scope is concerned these waters are quite shallow, so maybe wade in?  Unless you don’t mind paceplanting into the bottom of a kiddy-pond like a 1950’s circus act. In any case, here is the short version, which is also the only version and in fact the entire whitepaper


Make EZ Zillions!


Keeping it simple is paramount. Mainly because it’s a shit-ton easier than spending countless hours formulating elloquent project specifics exciting enough to make the token seem, like, really good, but vague enough that people will have a hard time figuring out exactly what it is. In any case, the result is the same: Fuck all, which is in our (not really) humble opinion the sole purpose of memecoins.

Click the link below to go nowhere

Heres a cool mask!

It’s not really related to anything, or at least not to the EZZ token, but it looks kinda neat. I’m sure we could spend some time with a copywriter and make some sort of obscure connection, but what would be the point, really? If you’re a degen serial aper, you’re well aware that a token is worth exactly as much as the market believes it is.

On that note! Seriously, EZZ ezz to make EZ Zillions. For real, but not really because, where did you get that from when we never claimed anything of the sort. 

Here’s how to make EZ Zillions with the EZ Zillion token:

Or at least this is how we are pretty damn sure this journey might end in big smiles all around


And by you, we do mean ALL of you. Token prices rise because people buy, indicating a rise in demand. In addition, a large number of early adopters lends creedence to th etoken and acts as social proof. Social proofing acts as Ape inurance and will attract degens from all over. Follow?


And by hold we mean HODL. Hodlers lend long term stability to a token, as well as signals to the market that the project is a sound long term investment which in turn ensures more buyers and more Zillions for you. See where we’re going with this?


And by feast we mean drain your local community pool and fill it with DALLADALLABILLS Y’ALL, so the whole culdesack can enjoy swimming in what could possibly be the largest collection of coke induced nosebleed stains ever assembled. Or, like buy a new car.


So, while Ive been talking a lof of shit about utility for memecoins, and promis nothing…

…I do get bored, so there are some possibilities  on the horizon:

Lottery dApp

I’m not entirely clear on what will be lotted of, but I am in the progress of creating a lottery app for EZZ token holders.

Coinflip dApp

A coinflip, double-or-nothing dApp for degenerate gamblers. Why degenerate? Wait until you see what happens when the coin lands on it’s edge…